
We live in challenging but exciting times. More and more of us are sensing that we cannot sit by and watch what is happening in the world.

My heart is either torn apart by what is happening “out there” where violence and war is ripping through peace stability and humanity – or torn apart by what is happening to our precious Ecosystem here in Goa. Each day more of the earth is ripped apart for individualistic short term plundering with no thought for long term resilience of the whole or the true value of a life-system as abundant as ours here in Goa. Global researchers warn us of water wars, food insecurity, climate change, civil unrest – Here in Goa we are truly blessed yet we dont see it – we still carry on as if resources were endless and the destruction of the world were not already on our doorstep. This is all madness. And we all know it in our hearts.

So what are we going to do about it? This is what I am doing about it

  1. Firstly work on my own blockages to taking a stand.

I am not an activist, I’ve never spoken or written publicly about the state of the world. But I can no longer sit by and do nothing. As Einstein said “Evil happens when good people sit by and do nothing” . I will not be the person who did nothing as the Mother Earth and our Humanity die painfully in front of me.

I need to get over my own fear of standing up, standing out – my own insecurities about stepping up and stepping out in the world. My heart is ready to be an ACTIVE CITIZEN  but my ego is a  little unsure…. who am I to stand up and do this?

A quiet wisdom comes as an answer – who am I NOT to? Who am I to TAKE all the fruits of the earth, the air , water, food and magic that nature brings and not PROTECT it? I must stand up as a concerned Earthling and fight for balance.  For my own future and for the future of the other earthlings with whom I share this plentiful home. And there are others to feel like me. Whose heart break at each tree and forest that is cut, each river poisoned, each village community destroyed. We are many…

  1. Secondly connect to other kindred spirits

I am discovering we are many who feel this way. and more and more are waking up each day. How not to when faced with the absurdity of the current destructive growth paradigm? What is now seen as small scale resistance is growing everyday and soon a time will come when the majority will be co-creating the new paradigm because it is the only wise action. I find I am getting great joy and solace from connecting to others who want to make a difference.  We are many. Phew!

  1. Ask ourselves and eachoher what world do our hearts dream of living in?

Human beings are boundlessly creative and resourceful and imaginative. Can we imagine a different future? Where Humanity lives modern comfortable peaceful lives in partnership with the Earth, both flourishing because humanity is intelligent enough to find ways to balance ecology and economy. Can we combine Natures intelligence and Humanity’s intelligence to live in harmony with our ecosystem?

What does that look like in the detail?. What is each of us inspired and gifted to contribute? I am discovering the best way to find that out is to have respectful conversations that invite collective intelligence. Hosting the conversations that matter, with care and attention. Ensuring we remember our humanity as we step forward to dream a new dream…

So a group of us have got together and we are sounding the BELL to those of you who feel the same…ringing out a bell to call you to sit in circle with us as equals to figure out how we can come together to create a better world, and specifically help eachother to take shared responsibility for changing the course of Goas future in deep gratitude for what she gives us.

7th & 8th Jan 2017- Asset based community development facilitators training

Where we learn how to map and value what we already have in our villages and local communities and how to dream a new future. We will set in motion a participatory learning network and community of practice so that we more easily support each other as we go about this work.

3rd-5th February 2017 – Warrior of the Heart Dojo

Where we create a retreat space for changemakers and facilitators to deepen into the individual and collective journey we are on as Warriors and Midwives of a more heart centred way of living. This retreat is a space for sharing techniques for self-care so that we can support ourselves to go the distance. There are no prizes for burnout.

8th/9th/10th/11th February 2017 (exact dates/locations tbc) – Green Goa Community Visioning

Where we invite anyone with ideas for what a flourishing green 21st Century Goa could be to come together in learning and we co-create a new vision for Goa as well as the action plan for getting there!

Exciting times indeed!!! 🙂 I am ready. Are you?