NGOs and civil society organisations


Want to deepen your soft skills and hard skills in facilitating participatory process?

Want additional tools to help you mobilise communities around your work and passion?

Want to learn new ways to invite others to support you in your work?


Join us for the participatory leadership training and apprenticeship. Press the button below for more information

Want to encourage young people get involved in your mission?

Want support with hosting participatory process with your stakeholders, whilst supporting young apprentices?

Invite young apprentices to host participatory dialogues to support of your work


Invite young apprentices to walk along side you and learn the ropes, encouraging new talent into the social sector

Want to participate in issue based dialogues focused on finding new pathways to sustainable fair development in Goa?

Join us over the course of the coming year as we support newly trained and mentored apprentices to host important dialogues in Goa, building their skill and supporting positive change in Goa

Contact Joanna Pyres to discuss any of these opportunities or learn more: +91 904 981 5262