Goa Community Day – 11 Feb 2017
We were delighted that Toke Moeller, co-founder of the Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter, and Steve Ryman, a seasoned Art of Hosting practitioner, offered to support us in having our first community Open Space conversation in Goa on 11th February.
Thanks also to Dean D’Cruz and Reboni Saha for making the Design Centre available for a community gathering to explore: “How can we collaborate on a platform for change?”

We were also delighted that so many of Goa’s key change-makers and active citizens attended and participated by stepping forward with ideas and projects in answer to the question:
“What question/issue/project do I care enough about to explore and co-create with others in service of the People and Nature of Goa?”
As you will see below some exciting and important project ideas were seeded. We are very inspired about what is emerging and growing and look forward to seeing how these ideas grow and flourish!

Please read the Harvest of the Community Conversations which clearly shows what kind of platform or ecosystem of change is emerging based on people’s interests, concerns and skills.
Harvest of the Community Conversations
When we ask powerful questions, we plant seeds for conversations to bloom.
The work is not complete until we harvest the fruits of those conversations.
Harnessing the power of collective sense-making, we can visually display the key ideas that want to emerge from the conversation within the conversation.
Following the community conversations, our harvesting team co-created the following presentation.
Watch the video below to see a Poetic Harvest of the day’s conversations
Next Steps
We will be holding monthly community gatherings of this nature from now onwards in support of active citizenship in Goa.
We warmly invite anyone who LOVES GOA and would like to take ACTION to protect what you love, to come and join in the conversation.
Phone or Email us today to find out about upcoming events!