Circlewallas 2017 prototyping and learning

How can we nurture an Active Citizenship Ecosystem for a Green Future for Goa ?

For the last 2 years Circlewallas has been prototyping cutting edge approaches for bottom up participatory sustainable development in Goa. The foundation practice and operating system is participatory leadership as practiced by the the Art of Hosting and Harvesting conversations that matter.

A large number of activities have been undertaken in this period without external funding, and with the generosity and wisdom of many volunteer professionals and active citizens, both in Goa and around the world. Thankyou to this ecosystem of people who care and felt called to participate.

Below is a summary of the 5 activity streams we prototyped, including how we worked with partners, our collective learning, outcomes from the activity stream and follow on prototype projects that emerged from the collective intelligence of the wider system in Goa.

Across all these conversations a reoccurring theme was seen.

We all love Goa Green and clean and are concerned that current development is taking us in the opposite direction. 

The time feels ripe for a “new story” for Goa where civic voices help forge a new pathway towards sustainability and prosperity

Below you can find the initiatives that have emerged as necessary prototypes. You are warmly invited to join in!

Informing & connecting active citizens ACTFORGOA
Capacity building in participatory leadership
Dialogues & Innovation labs on Goa’s Green Future
Web portal

civic information & “Who’s Who Green pages”

Timeline: due to go live Jan 2019.

Impact: Connected informed citizens able to make better sustainability decisions

Budget: TBD

Lead: Act4Goa collective

Youth Programme including training, active citizenship apprenticeship and pathfinding

Timeline: Flexible

Impact: Empowered youth leaders able and experienced in facilitating action orientated dialogues for change

Budget: TBD

Lead: Circlewallas

State level dialogue platform for public, private, civil & academic & youth stakeholders to vision and prototype Goa’s green transition.

Timeline: to align with GIZ/EU process 2019

Impact: integrated action groups taking informed action to make development more sustainable

Budget: TBD

Lead: Circlewallas

Green Economy research – options for low-footprint prosperity through green industries & green livelihoods

Timeline: 2019

Impact: Evidence base for dialogues and innovation in green economy

Budget: TBD

Lead: Tandem Research

Active citizens App

GIS mapping, monitoring and reporting mechanism enabling citizens to support enforcement of existing environmental laws

Timeline: Ready for tech development

Impact: Map and meta-data of hotspots/issues, increased accountability for illegal activity & corruption,

Budget: 56,35,000 INR over 3 years

Lead: Kokum

Pinit ActForGoa app

Village governance Panchayats & village committees training for better coordination of village committees

Timeline: depending on how many villages /committees selected

Impact: more effective participatory village governance

Budget: TBD

Lead: Circlewallas,

(+GIPARD and Biodiversity Board++)

Sustainable & Heritage Tourism Initiative

Reorienting the tourism industry to be low impact and pro-cultural and natural heritage

Timeline: Ongoing

Impact: Reduced pollution and rebranding of Goa around heritage, wellbeing and quality of life

Budget: TBD

Lead: Terra Conscious

Natural & Cultural Asset mapping inc carry capacity and development of decision making tool to support green development

Timeline: Phase 1 proposal ready. Phase 2 & 3 under development

Impact: Asset Map for accountability, Tool & informed green decision making

Budget: TBD

Lead: Terra Conscious

Public awareness campaign – green choices & active citizenship

Timeline: Ongoing

Impact: changed behaviour

Budget: TBD

Lead:Act4Goa collective

Training materials Localised to Goan context

Timeline: 6 months duration

Impact: grassroots/village /community leadership enabled and accessible

Budget: TBD

Lead: Circlewallas

Village Visioning sustainable village model including placemaking and economic renewal

Timeline: 3-5 years duration

Impact: new approach to village development planning integrating sustainability and cultural heritage, informing a rebranding of Goa

Budget: TBD

Lead: TBD + Live Happy

Sustainable Goa Research platform Inter-Institutional collaborative platform

Timeline: not initiated yet

Impact: Holistic view of Goa’s Green potential + development of a State specialisation in Sustainability

Budget: TBD

Lead: TBD

Green education Curricula for all ages

Timeline: collective action not initiated from individuals in this space

Impact: informed young people able to live green lives

Budget: TBD

Lead: TBD

Citizen programme

Training/mentoring for people to facilitate participation/collaboration

Timeline: 2019

Impact: Skilled dialogue hosts able to support other programmes happening including multi-stakeholder dialoguess

Budget: TBD

Lead: Circlewallas

Green Goa Investment Fund

Funding mechanism to support projects and initiatives under the aegis of this Green Goa active citizenship ecosystem project

Timeline: to start 2018

Impact: Self-sustaining funding model for the wider ecosystem

Budget: TBD

Lead: Circlewallas

New instruments for stewardship & intergenerational equity

Timeline: not initiated

Impact: long term asset stewardship and management

Budget: TBD

Lead: Kokum