Goa is 1st State in India to develop a Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency Strategy

Circlewallas is proud to have been involved in the creation of India’s first state circular economy strategy, supported by the EU as part of the EU-India Resource Efficiency initiative, and drafted by TERI.

In April 2019 Circlewallas used participatory leadership to facilitate stakeholder inputs for the strategy, focusing on barriers and opportunities for greater circulation of resources in the Tourism and Construction Industries, Waste management and Marine Litter as key priority.

On February 24th 2020 the strategy was released by the Chief Minister of Goa. A Proud moment for Goa being the first of the 3 pilot states to do so (Telangana, Orissa are the other states chosen to pilot circularity)

Click HERE for the strategy

click HERE for Stakeholder consultation Report

click here for stakeholder data exec summary

Circular economy consultations how did it happen ?

Next steps

Stakeholders from across Goan society will need to work together on the recommendations and take full advantage of being ahead of the curve when it comes to circular economy.

Discussions are underway currently about how to take forward the recommended actions.

If you would like to participate in transforming Goas economy please get in touch!     hello@circlewallas.net

A short introduction Circular economy