Participatory leadership training Goa 2017

co createdwith students from Xavier College

Circlewallas and the global art of hosting community set up a five days Participatory Leadership training from 6th to 10th November 2017 at Xaviers retreat house Baga.

The training was hosted by a training team of 7 people, 2 from Australia, 3 based in Goa, 2 from Pune and Mumbai. 36 people attended the training of which 21 Goans, 12 from other parts of India, and 3 internationals. Participants included students, NGO’s, active citizens and the people who want to learn non-hierarchical leadership models.

Art of hosting is a process which help people from the general public to make wiser decisions with the help of different kind of hosting methods.

Here is the few glimpses of five days training:

Art of Hosting by circlewallas and friends

All the practitioners assembled for art of hosting at Baga retreat house.

Circle of Power

The training is created by 7 hosts and 36 participants at Baga retreat house from 6th November 2017 to 10th November 2017. Circle practice, one of the core conversation methods

The triad process

The process where each practitioners are involved as a storyteller, witness and listener. We learn to listen deeper and create connection. All generations were welcome : )

World café: where opinions and ideas matter

Practitioners engaged in world café sharing their opinions and views on the questions asked.

Felly Gomes: the drum guy

The training was joined by many NGO members, active citizens and creatives from across the globe. Felly shared traditional Goan songs and gifted song and good energy

Open space technology

Individuals call people to help them explore the questions they are pondering and get more clarity and identify next steps.

Design for wiser action

This process gives practitioners an opportunity to ask for help with their projects and the others to practice design and generosity.

Sociocratic style decision making

Practitioners discussing decision making based on consent, hearing everyone’s voice and figuring out together what decisions are “good enough for now, safe enough to try”

Circle made by strength

The circle made by the strength of the practitioners; that even a person can walk on it.

Lastly, a message by circlewallas community.