Public Sector departments and SDG initiatives

We have a responsibility to hand down to our children a Goa we are proud of but the road to creating a good future for Goa is not clear to any of us.

Government can collaborate with civil society and private sector to explore opportunities and mobilise wider support. The constitution provides for citizens to participate in governance and support the work of government but often this can be hard to manage.

The SDGs require us all to work and learn together how to do things differently.

Participatory leadership is already being used in governments in other countries. Over 2000 people inside the EU have been trained and the Scottish government is now also bringing this training in-house. Why? Because it is a great method for  surfacing the ideas and needs of the group and wider stakeholders in inform better policy and implementation and get good work done together.

We are training people and especially youth to learn these participation skills so that we all contribute to a bright future of Goa and support the SDG learning journey  by inviting active participation.

Get support from communities and businesses to create policy and systems for SDGs and resilience, green economic transition, risk mitigation, ecosystem governance etc.

Do you want different stakeholders to work with you to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals?

Would you like to develop more skills in how to manage participatory meetings?

Do you want to learn how to  invite people into an action orientated conversation in your field of work?

Would you like interdepartmental meetings to be more creative and inspire better co-working?


Join us for the participatory leadership training

 Do you want to call a participatory meeting of different stakeholders?

Would you like to support youth leadership in Goa, but inviting newly trained participatory meeting hosts to support you in your work?

Get in touch and our newly trained apprentices will support you by hosting the meeting for you  – so that you avail of professional facilitation and they can practice in service to Goa!

Want to participate in issue based dialogues focused on finding new pathways to sustainable fair development in Goa?

Join us over the course of the coming year as we support newly trained and mentored apprentices to host important dialogues in Goa, building their skill and supporting positive change in Goa

Contact Joanna Pyres to discuss any of the above    + 91 904 981 5262

Lets Work together to create a world we are proud to pass onto our grandchildren!