Young people and young professionals

Fed-up with hierarchical leadership models ?

 Want to support  change through deeper democratic dialogue, more effective communication and collaboration?

Want hands on experience in supporting communities to problem solve issues and co-create and prototype solutions?

Want to support communities and groups to self-organise around what they care about ?

Come on a Learning journey to discover how to practice deeper dialogue and achieve community transformation  

through powerful communication, shared leadership and collaboration

The leadership skills of the future.


Participatory leadership and active citizenship and apprenticeship programme 

Training: 6th November-10th November 2017 – Active citizenship and shared leadership training intensive

  • Participatory leadership – hosting and harvesting deeper dialogue for change (3days) (
  • Consent decision-making and governance for circular power (1 day)
  • Video journalism  – storytelling that creates change (1 day) (

13th November – 1st December 2017 – 3 week structured apprenticeship (optional residential stay)

  • Build confidence and skills by applying your learning along with others in a “safe” and mentored practice opportunity
  • Be supported to call a participatory conversation in your own context
  • practice designing, hosting and harvesting community dialogues in Goa
  • Build a support community for your work

What will you learn and how will you benefit?

  • Soft and hard skills for shared leadership and facilitating participatory process
  • Facilitating group decision making
  • Video journalism and how to communicate stories of change easily using mobile phone video
  • Cutting edge collaborative leadership practices for the 21st century
  • How to practice a deeper democracy and a deeper humanity in the ways that we work
  • a framework for  working in a self-organising team
  • Meet like minded people changing the world
  • Be part of an ongoing community of practice for peer learning and mentorship
  • Become a new kind of leader – who shares leadership to supports community driven green futures

What will you contribute?

  • Be of service in communities in Goa
  • Support village level participatory conversations
  • Support existing social and environmental entrepreneurs and NGOs
  • Host issue dialogues eg garbage, sustainable  tourism etc
  • Help design materials for use in communities
  • Contribute your ideas and passion to your world
  • Help stakeholders in Goa work together better and start a journey of collaboration

Costs are structured to allow anyone to participate regardless of ability to pay, and to enable those who can pay a little more to support those who cannot

Residential participation @INR 500/night at the Xaviers Retreat House in Baga

3 week apprenticeship + follow on mentoring

Residential 3 week apprenticeship is available where residents will practice self-organising  in their living arrangements (eg food, entertainment, cleanliness etc)

If you cannot afford these fees, please think if anyone you know might sponsor you and contact us to see how we can help you find a sponsor.


Coming in 2018….

January 2018 – Asset based Placemaking training and apprenticeship (dates still to be finalised)

  • Placemaking – an approach to community visioning  that builds on community assets and strengths and engages the community in articulating authentic identity to help guide the development  journey and planning


Supporting young people to learn and practice action-oriented participatory and peaceful dialogue, awareness-based leadership and learning