“What future is possible when individuals, organisations & communities consciously create & learn together ?”
A warm and open invitation to go on a learning journey to explore the powerful questions of our time within a community of active citizens taking care and taking action for the well-being of our shared future.
Our world and Goa is changing fast and it is up to us to envisage a future and a model of progress that we and our children really want and need
“How can we collectively take care for ourselves, eachother and the earth?”
“What type of leadership allows everyone in the community to participate in moving towards the common good?”
“How can we together create a thriving sustainable, fair, peaceful and resilient future for all?”
“How can we prototype local ecosystem economies and implement the Sustainable Development Goals?”
“How can we nurture 21st century youth livelihoods in green governance and conscious entrepreneurship?”
Our learning field and focus will be glorious Goa, with particular focus on the issues and needs of village development, garbage, water, agriculture, tourism which are currently putting Goa’s sustainability, resilience, identity and well-being at risk.
“How can we in Goa grow vibrant sustainable villages & inclusive rural communities that preserve local heritage, identity & well-being?”
Our collective purpose will be to support young people to participate in changing our world for the better
“How can we support youth to lead and flourish in the emerging 21st century ecosystem economy?”
If you are a youth 20-30, a government worker, a green entrepreneur, a civil society changemaker, a community member – or active citizen from any walk of life – you are invited to join us on an adventure to create green pathways to prosperity and well-being for all!
Together we are nurturing an active citizenship ecosystem to inspire and support youth to participate in co-creating a new narrative of progress, well-being and prosperity for the 21st century.
The opportunities for getting involved are…
5-day Participatory leadership and active citizenship training, North Goa, 6th -10th November 2017
“How can our shared leadership safeguard the future of Goa?”
A training for to enhance skills in democratic dialogue and consent-decision making for community mobilisers / facilitators
6th-8th November – 3 days – Art of hosting and harvesting conversations that matter – artofhosting.org
9th November – 1 day – Consent decision-making and circular governance (Sociocratic practice)
10th November – 1 day community journalism videovolunteers.org
For anyone who wants to improve their skills in hosting participatory process – for example panchayats and village development committees, NGOs and changemakers, concerned citizens.
For those whose workplace does not immediately provide an opportunity to practice, we can support your learning by inviting you to co-host participatory village development committee meetings and/or stakeholder dialogues at state level as part of our wider apprenticeship programme.
Cost: Rs 9,000-15,000 depending on ability to pay. Please contact us if you have difficulty in paying
There is an additional 1-day module in video storytelling for change in which you will learn how to communicate stories of desired and achieved change using mobile phone video. This very successful approach will be delivered by videovolunteers.org on a couple of dates. Please contact us on hello@circlewallas.net to register your interest.
1-month youth apprenticeship in participatory leadership and active citizenship
5th November 2017 – 1st December Rs 20,000 (scholarships and bursaries available)
(eg) How can young people learn more about how to participate in transforming their world ? (to be agreed UoC and CW)
An apprenticeship programme in association with University of Commons for 20-30 year olds who want to apply cutting edge awareness-based participatory leadership skills to supporting community empowerment and problem-solving in Goa, and get on-the-job learning and mentorship from active citizens working in social and enivronmental stewardship, green governance, social justice and well-being, green business, government departments, NGOs.
4-day participatory leadership training + 5 weeks applied practice, inquiry and immersion in rural issues in Goa + 6 month apprenticeship with NGOs Government bodies, Green businesses and individual active citizens working in the field of social and environmental stewardship in Goa.
13-week MIT Learning journey for transforming systems “ULAB” – leading from the emerging future, September – December 2017
A global MOOC (Massive online open course) of global changemakers around the world (approx 25,000) using the MIT U Theory framework of awareness-based participatory leadership to sense and prototype the future systems we need in the new “ecosystem economy
This course is free to anyone to sign up and can be done by anyone anywhere as long as you have access to the internet
In association with Design Centre, Circlewallas is hosting a GOA ULAB learning HUB to support people to study, learn and prototype solutions together . Our collective action research inquiry will focus on the “ecosystem economy in Goa”
GOA ULAB HUB learning circles will happen every Tuesday evening at Design Centre.
To view and sign up for the course, press the button below.
To register your interest in joining the Goa ULAB learning HUB please email ulab@circlewallas.net
2-day training in “Placemaking” a participatory asset-based community visioning approach to local development
A participatory community development training in association with Villagewell.org for people who wish to learn about how communities can shape their own development journeys to be both modern and authentic.
January 2018 – final dates to follow soon!
Of interest to those who want to support the creation of community-driven narratives of local identity and culture to guide more authentic local development planning
A warm invitation and request for people and villages who wish to apply this methodology in Goa in their village – Between Jan-June, Gilbert Foustecouste of Village Well will be we will be mentoring us to go through the placemaking journey with one Goan village. If you also wish to try this approach in your village during this mentorship time, please get in touch!
To register your interest please email hello@circlewallas.net
Training in participatory learning and participatory learning networks
A training for educators, changemakers and community mobilisers in how to integrate a participatory approach to learning and building capacity to crowdsource the knowledge and wisdom from a group of students or community members
February 2018 – final dates to follow soon!
To register your interest please email hello@circlewallas.net
4-day training in facilitating effective public-private-civil society Partnerships for change
A training in association with The Partnership Brokers Association (partnershipbrokers.org) for people in organisations, from any sector, who want to improve the quality and effectiveness of their multi-stakeholder development partnerships, particularly (but not exclusively) in support of the Sustainable development goals. “How can sustainable development partnerships live up to and deliver their promise and potential?”
This course will build awareness and sharpen skills in how to navigate the complex terrain of diverse drivers, power dynamics and communication challenges that present themselves when different sectors come together in partnership. Participants will go home with skills and frameworks for building, managing, evaluating and exiting partnership projects.
To register your interest please email training@partnershipbrokers.org